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Arthur at ‘Pink Triangle’

Pink Triangle pioneered the use of the light and rigid sub-chassis, which was also non-symmetric and hence less prone to resonance. It argued against the use of the soft mats of the day and invented the use of “hard” acrylic platters onto which the record was placed to match the impedance It argued the use of the soft mats of the day, and invented the use of “hard” acrylic platters onto which the record was placed to match the impedance of the record to the platter and so reduce colourations Instead of the AC motor, which had long been the standard, Pink Triangle chose to specify a DC motor to provide a super-smooth drive.  For greater drive stability, Pink Triangle employed an inverted bearing, the precursor to Vector Drive Pink Triangle also pioneered Needle Talk adjustment for arm energy dissipation - the system was designed with a centre of mass that was in line with the centre of gravity. This showed the massively beneficial effect of putting the motor in this configuration. Now, look at the turntables on the market today. How many rely on these original ideas? From the most budget-conscious to the most expensive, the echoes of Pink Triangle’s innovations are everywhere. Pink Triangle has certainly reserved its place in the pantheon of innovators of the modern turntable.


History of ‘The Funk Firm’

Jump forward to 2005 when Arthur founded The Funk Firm with its mission statement clear and unequivocal.

“To get the most from the tiny groove containing musical information”.
Since then, The Funk Firm has gone from strength to strength, releasing a wide range of products onto the analog turntable market.


Funk moved on from the acrylic and launched Achromat. A universal mat of a new material and construction, which, incredibly improved on Pink Triangle’s original acrylic platter. It seems counter-intuitive but Achromat easily improves turntables costing £40,000+. No wonder that Achromat is now the best selling mat in the world.


A three-pulley belt drive system called vector drive - it spread the drive force around the platter, thereby providing superior support to platter rotation, and is the ideal support for the conventional, downward pointing bearing, especially when correctly positioned.


Funk moved into cartridge supports, otherwise known as “the arm”. Arm resonances have been an issue since the beginning of vinyl playback, but Funk introduced a genuinely new arm tube design. Called F.X this technology has been proven to reduce arm resonances to a vanishingly low level. It is already regarded as a giant killer and development is ongoing.


Attention returned to the platter. Physics and technology met and produced a new material - Strata. Strata overcomes two apparently irreconcilable properties, bringing them together to deliver astonishing results. In this case, a thin section material that is flat yet does not ring. Detailed information on this is currently restricted under patent rules.


Super Deck Grande. A two arm turntable for up to two 12” arms. Audio magazine (Germany) declares this "a bargain" with "perfect measurements". It enters their "Outstanding Reference Class" section. It doesn’t get better.

Funk FXR is awarded Tonearm of the Year Hifi+


After 3 years of meticulous work, The Funk Firm releases the Houdini, rumoured to be Arthur’s greatest innovation to date. Houdini is a decoupler with high dynamic stability. Arthur calls it his most revolutionary product yet, and so far, it seems to have created quite a storm in the world of analog.

Time after time, backed by physics and math, the Funk pedigree demonstrates its unrivalled appetite to excel in offering you, the listener, radical thinking, far-out creativity and dramatic, sympathetic styling.

In short the very best of good ideas.

And still we are not done. Enjoy the surprises yet to come.

Funk Works


Enfunkation explained:


Jump forward to 2005 when Arthur founded The Funk Firm with its mission statement clear and unequivocal.

“To get the most from the tiny groove containing musical information”.
Since then, The Funk Firm has gone from strength to strength, releasing a wide range of products onto the analog turntable marke


Achromat has become a best seller for Funk, however in addition to Achromat, you may be unaware of Funk’s other capabilities to enhance your deck. It’s really the ethical and practical thing to do. 

We don’t like our throw away society. An example Arthur recently wrote this in reply to a customer email: 

“I have a really good tv that I am being forced to throw away and replace. Why? Because one day it accepts BBC’s iPlayer and the next, someone has tweaked something and, poof, iPlayer cannot be received…and Sony can’t be bothered to support it by sending a firware upgrade (that’s all it will take). “Oh. You’ll have ot buy a new set." So, it too now ends up on the modern junk pile…and I don’t like that.” 

It’s the same with your record deck. You are constantly encouraged to trade-in and buy a new one. But is that the best option? We say it’s not. Even less if the new one is not really that much better than the one you have just replaced it with.

 Following the gradual upgrade path offered to you costs you more money with less performance.

If your turntable has a decent bearing (low rumble) and spins at the correct speed, you already have a great platform. Why waste it?  Significant improvements at low cost are available to you right now - but the industry and the hifi shops aren’t going to cut their own throats to tell you about it. We believe (and offer a money-back guarantee if you don’t agree) that Funk's Isolation Bubble is the greatest advance in turntable history. As big hitters go, the star of the show is Houdini. It’s winning awards. Why not take advantage and help your records come alive? It’s not too good to be true. It really is good.

Else, why it is winning awards? 


Let’s look at that potential upgrade scenario from a different perspective. When evaluating a new deck, and you ask yourself if it sounds better, the first thing to consider is: are both decks using the same cartridge? If not, what are you actually listening to? The deck or the cartridge? Because of that uncertainty, any comparison would be invalid. That’s because different cartridges sound different - see our Akutrak page to understand more. Never mind whether your current deck is modestly-priced or worth £50k, Funk's aim is to allow you to get more from your existing deck, way beyond what you thought possible. Not only will our upgrades take your deck’s performance beyond any substantial upgrade (that’s easy),but the improvement will probably cost much less than you were going to spend. That leaves more money in your pocket or to spend on further upgrades elsewhere. So how do we afford to provide a big improvement at such a small price? Well, there are a lot of turntables already out there. And at least some of those belong to music fans who’d like to get the best bang for their buck. If you don’t just swallow what the big brands and shops tell you, but actually spend the time to listen with your own ears, it should be a win-win. For relatively little money, you’ll end up with a deck that outperforms anything you’d buy new, and, knowing what Funk’s products did for you, you’d be more receptive to testing out one of our other innovations in future.  To give you even more confidence that we are telling the truth, we also offer a total money back guarantee, including all postage costs, both ways - so if you try and don’t buy, we’ll actually lose money. Interestingly, to date, not one single person has asked for a refund. Take a look at our testimonials. We’re not railroading you - we’re here to offer you a choice and allow you to make up your own mind. After 40 years in the industry, designing and producing some of the world’s greatest turntable innovations, I regard Houdini as delivering the best I have ever achieved. If you’d like to read more, there are reviews and testimonials elsewhere on the site. Our favourite, which wasn’t included in the testimonial section but which really put a smile on our faces when we read it, was: “Oh my…”  That says it all. 


Onto Business:


As big hitters go, the star of the show is Houdini. Only months old and already the reputation is growing and growing fast...Well, now we have the award as well. So much so that I don’t need to say too much about it. I’ll let others take up the story with the enclosed, both reviews and testimonials. My favourite testimonial is the shortest one of all. I don’t think I included it in the testimonial section but it really put a smile on my face when I read it:

“Oh my…” 

To me that sort of says it all. 

Another way of looking at it is that after 40 years in the industry, designing and producing some of the world’s greatest turntable innovations, (stuff you’ll read about in the EnFunkation document),I regard Houdini as delivering the best I have ever achieved, which with all due modesty, is saying something. 

Yes, there was a lot to read but we hope you find this useful, informative and enjoyable.


About Arthur at Pink Triangle

Pink Triangle has been a trailblazer in turntable innovation, introducing groundbreaking technologies that have shaped the audio industry.

Key Innovations

  1. Light and Rigid Sub-Chassis
    Pink Triangle was among the first to employ a light and rigid sub-chassis, designed to minimize resonance. The non-symmetric design further enhanced sound quality by reducing vibrational distortions.

  2. Acrylic Platters for Reduced Coloration
    Departing from the traditional soft mats of its era, Pink Triangle pioneered the use of "hard" acrylic platters. This innovation matched the impedance of the record with the platter, significantly reducing audio coloration and enhancing playback fidelity.

  3. DC Motor for Smoother Drive
    While AC motors were the standard, Pink Triangle opted for a DC motor, delivering a smoother and more stable drive for precise sound reproduction.

  4. Inverted Bearing and Vector Drive Precursor
    To achieve greater drive stability, Pink Triangle introduced the inverted bearing system, a precursor to the modern Vector Drive. This innovation set a new standard in turntable mechanics.

  5. Needle Talk Adjustment for Arm Energy Dissipation
    Pink Triangle developed the Needle Talk adjustment system, which aligned the center of mass with the center of gravity. This configuration demonstrated the remarkable benefits of improved energy dissipation, especially with motor placement.

A Legacy of Innovation

Pink Triangle's pioneering designs laid the groundwork for modern turntable technology. Today, the echoes of these innovations can be found in turntables across the spectrum, from budget-friendly models to high-end audiophile systems.

With its contributions to the industry, Pink Triangle has cemented its status as a leader and innovator in the pantheon of modern turntable design.